pdf FERC Scoping Notice - OPT Reedsport Project Popular

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FERC staff will conduct one daytime scoping meeting and one evening scoping meeting. The daytime scoping meeting will focus on resource agency and nongovernmental organization concerns, while the evening scoping meeting is primarily for public input. All interested individuals, organizations, and agencies are invited to attend one or both of the meetings, and to assist the staff in identifying the scope of the environmental issues that should be analyzed in the EA.

The Project facilities would include 10 OPT PowerBuoy wave-powered generating units attached to seabed anchors, tendon lines, subsurface floats, and catenary mooring lines. The PowerBuoy units would be deployed in an array of three to four rows oriented parallel to the shore and would occupy about 0.25 square mile of the Pacific Ocean. Each PowerBuoy would have a maximum diameter of 36 feet, extend 29.5 feet above the water surface, and have a draft of 115 feet.