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archive 25 Meter Depth Contour off Oregon, OSU ATSML, 2008 Popular

By 1324 downloads

A single depth contour at 25 meters of depth generated from the database of bathymetry available at the Active Tectonics & Seafloor Mapping Lab.

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archive 25 Meter Interval Depth Contours off Oregon, OSU ATSML, 2008 Popular

By 1317 downloads

Depth contours at 25 meter intervals generated from the database of bathymetry available at the Active Tectonics & Seafloor Mapping Lab.

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archive Alternative B.6 (Rocky Reefs) for West Coast Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat draft EIS, PSMFC,2004 Popular

By 1150 downloads

These data delineate the areas within Alternative B.6 of "The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Designation and Minimization of Adverse Impacts for the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan". Alternative B.6 designates rocky reefs as Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC).

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archive Bathymetric Digital Elevation Model 100m, ATSML, 2011 Popular

By 1079 downloads

100m bathymetric grid or Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI grid format produced by the Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Lab at Oregon State University specifically for the OR State Territorial Sea Planning Process.

archive Bathymetric Shaded Relief from 100m DEM, ATSML, 2011 Popular

By 1096 downloads

Shaded relief raster generated using ArcGIS software from the source dataset described as a 100m bathymetric grid or Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI grid format produced by the Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Lab at Oregon State University specifically for the OR State Territorial Sea Planning Process.

archive Coastal Shoreline Environmental Sensitivity Index, NOAA, 1996 Popular

By 1057 downloads

The shoreline data in this layer includes information on geomorphology and exposure of shoreline segments of the Oregon coast, and is current as of 1996.

This data set comprises the environmental sensitivity index (ESI) for the shoreline of Oregon. These data are part of a suite of data sets created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment, Hazardous Materials Response and Assessment Division. The data characterize coastal environments by their sensitivity to spilled oil.

archive Coastline Area Features from Electronic Nautical Charts, NOAA, 2008 Popular

By 1095 downloads

Coastline Area Features from Electronic Nautical Charts. NOAA's Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA ENC's) have been developed to support marine transportation infrastructure and coastal management.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.

archive Coastline Features from Electronic Nautical Charts, NOAA, 2008 Popular

By 1182 downloads

Coastline Features from Electronic Nautical Charts. NOAA's Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA ENC's) have been developed to support marine transportation infrastructure and coastal management.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.

archive Depth Area Features from Electronic Nautical Charts, NOAA, 2008 Popular

By 1075 downloads

Depth Area Features from Electronic Nautical Charts. NOAA's Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA ENC's) have been developed to support marine transportation infrastructure and coastal management.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.

archive Depth Line Features from Electronic Nautical Charts, NOAA, 2008 Popular

By 1104 downloads

Depth Line Features from Electronic Nautical Charts. NOAA's Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA ENC's) have been developed to support marine transportation infrastructure and coastal management.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.

archive Historic Oregon Bottom Sediment Samples from NOS Hydrographic Survey Smooth Sheets, 1868-1958 Popular

By 1109 downloads

Database of 11430 bottom sample labels captured from geo-referenced historic NOS Survey "Smooth Sheets" in the vicinity of the Oregon Territorial Sea from the period 1868-1958. Incudes preliminary Lithology interpretation, and survey source information.

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archive Lithology Map for the Oregon Territorial Sea, OSU ATSML, 2008 Popular

By 1127 downloads

Polygon Map of Oregon Territorial Sea Lithology (Surface Sediments). This product was generated by Mel Agapito, of Oregon State University during her MS Thesis work in 2008. Her written dissertation provides a full description of the product, and is available online at the OSU Scholars Archive :

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archive Rocky Shoreline Sections of the Oregon Coast, ODFW, 2005 Popular

By 1101 downloads

Oregon's rocky shoreline. The rocky shoreline includes beaches or the base of cliffs that have rocky substrate, including cobble, gravel, boulder and bedrock. Rocky shoreline was delineated from color-infrared aerial photographs of the entire Oregon coast shot at minus tides in 1994.

archive Sandy Shoreline Sections of the Oregon Coast, ODFW, 2005 Popular

By 993 downloads

Oregon's sandy shoreline. The sandy shoreline includes beaches or the base of cliffs that have only sand substrate. The sandy shoreline was delineated from color-infrared aerial photographs of the entire Oregon coast shot at minus tides in 1994.

archive Sounding Features from Electronic Nautical Charts, NOAA, 2008 Popular

By 1097 downloads

Sounding Features from Electronic Nautical Charts. NOAA's Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA ENC's) have been developed to support marine transportation infrastructure and coastal management.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.

archive Surficial Geolgic Habitat off Oregon, Version 3, OSU ATSML, 2008 Popular

By 1240 downloads

Surficial Geologic Habitat maps for the Washington and Oregon continental margins Version 3. This data was originally developed to support the identification and delineation of Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) for west coast groundfish.

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archive Topo Area Features from Electronic Nautical Charts, NOAA, 2008 Popular

By 1116 downloads

Topo Area from Electronic Nautical Charts. NOAA's Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA ENC's) have been developed to support marine transportation infrastructure and coastal management.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.

archive Topo Line Features from Electronic Nautical Charts, NOAA, 2008 Popular

By 1106 downloads

Topo Line Features from Electronic Nautical Charts. NOAA's Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA ENC's) have been developed to support marine transportation infrastructure and coastal management.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.

archive Topo Point Features from Electronic Nautical Charts, NOAA, 2008 Popular

By 1038 downloads

Topo Point Features from Electronic Nautical Charts. NOAA's Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA ENC's) have been developed to support marine transportation infrastructure and coastal management.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.